
Monday, January 14, 2013

Reese's Pie

I have to share my new favorite dessert!

It may have been done already, but if it has, I haven't seen it!

Back when I did catering, I could get this cookie dough that would make delicious, gooey, peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies. They were the best! I don't have access to them anymore... :( So to make up for it, I make this...

Reese's Pie! Or Reese's bars, or what ever you want to call them, it doesn't matter, your mouth will be too busy watering to call them anything anyway!

The best part: they're super easy! Here's what you need

2 Betty Crocker chocolate chop cookie mixes + required ingredients
16-24 Reese's cups, regular size
A 9x13 dish

1. Follow directions on the first cookie mix, add an egg and a softened stick of butter. Mix until you have a dough.

2. Press the cookie dough into the dish.

3. Unwrap all of the Reese's cups and place them in one layer onto the cookie dough.

4. Mix up the other cookie dough and drop it onto each peanut butter cup. Fill in larger holes as you wish.

5. Bake at 350° until set and brown on top. The directions for large cookies says 10-12 minutes. I would say start checking then? They take a while. One of these times I need to actually time it. Unfortunately, unless I'm following a recipe that specifically needs a certain baking time, I've never set a timer for the oven.

**Alternately: lately I've been using one peanut butter cookie mix on the bottom and one chocolate chip cookie mix on the top. I prefer a little more peanut butter taste, but that is up to your preference. Directions are the same, simply get the peanut butter mix and it's ingredients (which are different.)

Also, the last time I made them, hubby picked up mini Reese's instead of the regular size. I cut them in half and used them, but I prefer the full size. If you drop the chocolate chip cookie dough on top of the full size, the dough spreads evenly and envelopes the Reese's - the mini's that weren't covered melted while baking..

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